How to organize diptrace libraries
How to organize diptrace libraries

how to organize diptrace libraries

Sauer &Sohn, Suhl S/237Berlin-Luebecker Maschinenfabriken, Werk Luebeck S243 Mauser-Werke AG,Werk Borsigwalde, Berlin-Borsigwalde, Eichborndamm S243G Mauser-WerkeAG, Werk Borsigwalde, Berlin-Borsigwalde, Eichborndamm 27 ErfurterMaschinenfabrik (ERMA) came under same management as FeinmechanischeWerke GmbH 42 Mauser-Werke AG,Oberndorf a./N, early code 147 J.P. Sauer & Sohn,Suhl dot WaffenwerkeBruenn AG, Brno, Czechoslovakia dou WaffenwerkeBruenn AG, Werk Bystrica duv Berlin-LuebeckerMaschinenfabriken, Werk Luebeck svw Late code forMauser-Werke AG, Oberndorf a./N swp Late code forWaffenwerke Bruenn AG, Brno, Czechoslovakia S/27 ErfurterMaschinenfabrik (ERMA) came under same management as FeinmechanischeWerke GmbH S/27G ErfurterMaschinenfabrik (ERMA) came under same management as FeinmechanischeWerke GmbH S/42 Mauser-Werke AG,Oberndorf a./N, early code S/42G Mauser-WerkeAG, Oberndorf a./N, production in 1935 S/42K Mauser-WerkeAG, Oberndorf a./N, production in 1934 S/147 J.P. 25 bcd Gustloff Werke,Werk Wiemar, Weimar bcd/ar Dual code denotes manufacture jointly by Gustloff Werke in Weimar, and Mauser-WerkeAG, Berlin bnzSteyr-Daimler-Puch AG, Werk Steyr, Steyr, Austria byf Mauser-Werke AG,Oberndorf a./N ce J.P.

how to organize diptrace libraries

German WWII Rifle Ordnance Codes Code Manufacturer ar Mauser-Werke AG,Werk Borsigwalde, Berlin-Borsigwalde, Eichborndamm ax FeinmechanischeWerke GmbH, Erfurt, Altonaerstr. Modified Weimar Receiver acceptance proofs Note the inspectors proof marks between the original Imperial proofs. These reworked Gew.98’s have the winged eagle of the Weimar inspectors. The full serial number was used during the renumbering process as opposed to the 2 digit serial numbers used on imperial rifles. It has german 'SS' insignias and various other stampings (CY, BNZ/1, bnz, a shield, a winged bird, etc.) all of the serial numbers match on all the parts. I have a Mauser model 98, that i believe was manufactured in 1898 with only 4 digits to the serial number.

how to organize diptrace libraries

At the beginning of 1944, most German factories were stamping the full serial number on the bolt handle root. The last two digits of the serial number should appear on most of the smaller parts. Beech with bands held on by the customary stamped spring or be wood screws. Stocks can be either solid walnut or laminated. The known serial number range is from 988 to 8268a. In 1945 the Mod 98 marking was moved from the receiver siderail to the top of.

How to organize diptrace libraries